Meyler Street Elementary Home

March is Women's History Month

At Meyler Street We Aim High for College and Career Ready!


Mission & Vision

School Mission:
At Meyler Street Elementary, our staff, parents, and community are dedicated to offering high-quality educational programs that cater to our diverse student population. 
We aim to foster sensitivity, respect, and high expectations to nurture independent, lifelong learners who will be  ready for the world!
School Vision:
Meyler Street Elementary School & Dual Language Program will create a clean, safe, and respectful learning environment where students thrive with confidence and achievement. Our vision is to cultivate compassionate, responsible, and respectful individuals who contribute positively to society.



The Meyler Street School Pledge

This day has been given to me fresh and new. I will choose to be kind in my thoughts, words and actions. I will stop, think, be safe and responsible. I will have a growth mindset by trying my best today and everyday as a Meyler Mustang!