Nurse's Corner » Nurse's Corner

Nurse's Corner

Bathroom Accidents

We understand that accidents happen.  When a child has a bathroom accident the office staff or the nurse will call you to let you know the situation.  For your child’s health and safety reasons, the office will not change or clean your child.  You or a designated adult must come to the nurse’s office to clean and or change your child’s clothing.  We will do our best to keep the child in a safe and clean environment.  Please let us know in advance if your child has any health concerns.  We will do our best to assist you.



A student who needs to take medication during school hours must have the required forms on file, and these are available from the school nurse or office staff.  Medication is kept in the Health Office.  School nurses do not prescribe or give advice regarding medication or other care beyond first aid. 

Nurse's Corner